We love because He (God) first loved us 1 John 4 19
Few words about love
Open your heart to first love
God has given you the most beautiful YOU. There’s only one and unique YOU .God lives in your most hidden being, deep inside of you and loves you with everlasting and first love which is before all human love.You carry in your heart your the most beautiful YOU deeply loved by God.
Don’t be afraid to love deeply.
You can and even have to hold onto truth of love that is given to you and recognize the biggest Love in people who see your love and they love you. Receive concrete love they want to give.Be grateful for this love as for something what helps you to know and open to first love of God.
What about pain?.
Yes you can meet pain of rejection, solitude and absence but this should not keep you from loving. Pain can make your love even more fruitful but try to keep away your heart from bitterness and unforgiveness. These ones are like traps and poisons for your heart.You can always choose what you do with your pain.Love is greater, remember and don’t forget who you are.
Your true identity is to be child of God.
You need to accept and receive your identity of child of God. It makes you really free.When you know deeply that you have in God powerful ,loving and caring Father, you feel safe, secure and protected. Awesome strength flows from your identity of being loved child of God.
Let love in
You can love when you first receive love.
You can love when you let to be loved.
You can become love when you let to be filled with love.
Love is the beginning and source of life.
Love will bring you joy but love also costs. Many times it will require fire of sacrifice. Mother when she gives birth she suffers pain of labour. Joy comes when baby is born…When you climb mountain you need to put a lot of effort before you reach peak.Don’t be afraid and don’t give up. Real love perseveres pain and brings fruits of peace and joy.
Reward of love
Amazing thing about love that it is reward in itself..it makes your heart happy and fulfilled.When you truly love ,you are blessed already. You are in God which from beginning to the end all is always LOVE ….
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