Did you know that our Lord and Savior, God, desires that all men be saved? Including you.
But you might be wondering, “Why do I need to be saved?” You might even think to yourself, “I’m not so bad.” I don’t need to be saved.
Actually, everyone needs to be saved because we are all sinners. We’ve all sinned, without exception. According to Romans 3:23,
“all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
This means that every human being, regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or educational level, is a sinner.
Because God is holy and righteous, He must judge sinners. Despite the fact that God created us and loves us, He cannot simply ignore our sins; His righteousness requires Him to judge us. So, according to God’s judgment, our sins separate us from God today; then, after we die, we will suffer perdition for eternity. This is why we must be rescued!
God made a way for us to be saved because of His great love for us. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place. On the cross, Jesus bore the judgment for all of mankind’s sins as the sinless Lamb of God. God raised Jesus from the dead as proof that His death on the cross was accepted for our redemption.
Today Jesus Christ has risen, and He is now a life-giving Spirit. Everyone who believes in Him is forgiven and cleansed of their sins. They are no longer separated from God, and they are saved from eternal punishment. Furthermore, they are regenerated—that is, born again with God’s life. When a person is saved, so many wonderful things happen!
So, how do you get saved?
On God’s side, He has done everything possible to save us. On our side, the Bible says that in order to be saved, we must repent and believe.
To repent simply means to have a mental shift or change. We live apart from God before we are saved, and our thoughts are against Him. So repentance entails turning away from everything else. We acknowledge we’re sinners, and that we need to be saved.
Furthermore, we must believe in Jesus as our Savior, who died in our place and shed His blood to atone for our sins. God’s loving heart extends His salvation to us, but we must accept it by believing.
In the Bible, Romans 10:9-10 says:
“If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart there is believing unto righteousness, and with the mouth there is confession unto salvation.”
You must openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord in order to be saved. This means that you have a strong conviction that Jesus Christ is the Lord of all, and you declare it aloud. You acknowledge that Jesus was not just any ordinary man, but the God-man who was incarnated as a man, lived a perfect, sinless life, and died on the cross for your sins. You must also believe in your heart that He was resurrected from the dead. Then He will enter your spirit as the life-giving Spirit, and you will be forgiven of all your sins and born again with His eternal life.
Simply pray the following prayer to receive God’s gift of salvation:
“Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and turn to you right now. Thank You for bearing my condemnation and shedding your blood on the cross. Thank You for dying for me and for forgiving all of my sins. I acknowledge that you are Lord!. I believe you have ascended from the dead. I accept you as my Savior and Lord. Come and be a part of my spirit. Thank you very much, Lord Jesus. Amen.”