Google search engine url
There are numerous ways to visit a website, including social media, another website, directly typing the website’s URL into your browser’s address bar, or using search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and so on). On a web browser, however, the search bar/engine or typing the URL into the address bar are two of the most common ways to load a website.
But which is the best way to load a specific website? Should you navigate to Londaa by entering (or into your browser’s address bar? Or should you use Google to search for “londaa” and then navigate to the website from the search results page? There is no one method that works for everyone, but depending on the circumstances, one is always preferable to the other. Such elements are highlighted below.
Making Use of Search Engines
If you don’t know the exact address of the website you want to visit, or if you can’t seem to remember the exact spelling or phrases that make up the website’s URL, the best thing to do is search for it using keywords you remember. If, on the other hand, you know the exact URL of the website you want to visit, using a search engine or your browser’s search bar not only wastes time but also consumes unnecessary bandwidth/internet/data plan — you’d have to first load the search engine result page before proceeding to the website.
If you know the exact address of a website but only need a specific piece of content, using a search engine is a good idea. Specifically, Google’s site search (site:search) feature.
If you use the search bar to find a website, it may not appear on the search results page if the site has not yet been indexed by the search engine.
If you know the exact URL address of a website, type it into the address bar; the http:// or www. prefixes aren’t required. Some websites even use short, lightweight URLs that redirect to the main URL, allowing users to visit without having to type the entire URL address. Instead of typing into your browser’s address bar, simply type and you’ll be redirected to Facebook.
To summarize, when you know the URL of the website you want to visit, type it into the address bar. It’s nearly the simplest and best way to load a website, especially one that hasn’t yet been indexed by Google (or other search engines). If you only need to access a specific piece of content on a website or if you can’t remember the exact URL, your best bet is to type the URL and keywords into the search bar.
With the above tips and distinctions, I hope you now understand when (and why) to search on Google and when to visit a site by directly entering the URL in a browser’s address bar.