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Cool Roll

Cool Roll

Other 401 views New Sell ID: 4180
UGX 15000

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Cool Roll (Life Essential, anytime anywhere) Active Ingredients: Menthol (25%), Winter green oil(20%), Comphor oil(3%), Eucalyptus oil(3%) BENEFITS. 1. Relieves cough & Cold. 2. Relieves inflammation pain & itching 3. Promotes blood circulation 4. Relieves sprain, lower back pain & muscle pain. 5. Repels insects & mosquitoes. 6. Heals wounds and deodorizes. 7. Kills germs 8. Relieves head ache. 9. Radiates heat away from the body. 10. For mosquito bites fever & car sickness Why Cool Roll -Unique roller design for convenience -Purely plant oil extraction, safety assured -Portable solution to minor discomforts


Central Region
0.31628, 32.58219
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Julaina Plaza along Luwum street basement Room B18, Nakasero, Kampala, Central Region, Uganda
+25678952xxxx +25675652xxxx
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