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Best place to buy gold in Laiyang, China+256757598797

Best place to buy gold in Laiyang, China+256757598797

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Gold suppliers in Uganda have Gold Dore bars, nuggets, dust for sale. Company Name: Mansa Minerals/ Mansa Alingo Agent WhatsApp : +256 757 598 797 Email:[email protected] Below are Commodity Specifications: 1. Commodity : Aurum Utallium (AU) 2. Form: Gold Bar / Gold Dust / Gold Nuggets. 3. Fineness : 98% 4. Purity : Carat 24 5. Price : $28000 per KG 5. Origin : Republic of Congo/Uganda 6. Quantity :4-400kgs or more. 7. DELIVERY: Buyer’s designated destination. Feel free to contact us on Whats app for more info email [email protected] or call +256757598797 or visit Us On Our Website at


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mansa alingo
mansa alingo
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Last online 4 days ago
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Inspect the item and ensure it`s exactly what you want.
On delivery, check that the item delivered is what was inspected, Only pay when you`re satisfied.
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