(Essence In Coffee, Vigor In Body)
Each contains 180mg of pure ginseng extract.
Ginseng is Rich in Ginsenosides, Organic acids and Alkaloids which can supply nutrients and energy
1. Boosts immunity System
2. Delays senility.
3. Protects immune system.
4. Improves menial alertness.
5. Reduces arousal, thus, improves mental alertness.
6. Boosts vitality mid longevity.
7. Induces strong sexual activity in both sexes.
8. Relieves mental and physical fatigue.
9. Nourishes bowels.
10 Strengthens the resistance to environmental stress.
11. Resistance of cancer.
12. It inhibits the multiplication and transfer of cancer cells.
13. Reduces the morbidity of canc...
(Essence In Coffee, Vigor In Body)
Each contains 180mg of pure ginseng extract.
Ginseng is Rich in Ginsenosides, Organic acids and Alkaloids which can supply nutrients and energy
1. Boosts immunity System
2. Delays senility.
3. Protects immune system.
4. Improves menial alertness.
5. Reduces arousal, thus, improves mental alertness.
6. Boosts vitality mid longevity.
7. Induces strong sexual activity in both sexes.
8. Relieves mental and physical fatigue.
9. Nourishes bowels.
10 Strengthens the resistance to environmental stress.
11. Resistance of cancer.
12. It inhibits the multiplication and transfer of cancer cells.
13. Reduces the morbidity of cancers.
14. Balances cells.
15 Promotes wound healing after operation.
16. Good for arthritis and rheumatic paths.
17. Osteoporosis and osteophyte.
18. Leukemia.
19. Vitality.
20. Treats headaches.
21. Reverses stroke.
22. Good for menopausal syndromes.
23. Enhances kidney, lung, heart and liver function.
24. Enhances fertility.
active ingredients